Elsley Primary School

Tokyngton Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 6HT

020 8902 8003



Healthy School

Walking to School is great for our children. It helps to keep them fit and healthy and more alert and ready to learn when they get to school. It is also a sociable way to travel and helps children build up their road safety skills.

At Elsley, we want to encourage our children to walk to school as much as possible, so we can help to reduce the traffic congestion and parking problems that our school experiences in the morning and at home time.

We recognise that some children live a long way from school and it is unrealistic to walk the whole journey. The good news for these children is that there is an alternative to being driven all the way to the school gate. Why not take part in the ‘Park and Stride’ scheme where parents are encouraged to park at a designated area away from the school and walk the remainder of the journey with their children?


Please see the map below to see Elsley’s designated areas. Parents and children can either choose the 5 minute walk which is circled in red or a 10 minute walk which is circled in yellow on the map.

What are the benefits of Park and Stride for our school?

The main aims of Park and Stride are to:

  • Reduce the dangerous car congestion outside the school gate thereby creating a safer and healthier environment for our children.   


  • Reduce the stress levels of parents who would have to battle to find a parking space close to school.  


  • Improve the school’s relationship with its neighbours who often get fed up with inconsiderate parking and heavy congestion outside their homes.  


  • Will encourage children to walk to school who would not normally have the option therefore encouraging active travel and a healthier lifestyle.